Charlotte Smith- Student Support Facilitator
*I assist students with attendance and adjustments to school.
*I submit truancy court referrals if needed.
*I am the liaison between school and home.
*I make referrals to community agencies such as:
Outside Mental Health Counseling
Food Bank services
Public housing
Financial assistance ( Rent, electricity, etc.)
Healthy Learners Program (Assistance with medical needs and Glasses)
Girls and Boys programs in our community
Megs House (Domestic Abuse)
Grief Counseling
* I conduct home visits for school purposes.
* I am the McKinney-Vento Liaison (Program for displaced/homeless students and families).
* Weekend Food bag program (provided by a local church once a week for students that could use a little extra food for the weekend and have inquired about the program. McKinney Vento students/low income)
* Anger Management/Good Decision Making Skills Groups