Principal Salliewhite updates cell phone policy


Dear Parent/Guardian,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you about our cell phone policy at Brewer Middle School and enlist your support in ensuring its effective implementation.

We have witnessed significant academic and behavioral improvements among our Brewer students and are committed to maintaining a positive learning environment. As part of our efforts, cell phones cannot be used inside Brewer Middle School without explicit permission from a teacher or administrator.

Students can use the phone in the main office during designated transition times or when a teacher grants permission. Students will not be disciplined for using the office phone during these times.  Should this privilege be abused, we will notify you to help rectify the situation.

Our primary goal at Brewer Middle School is to provide our students with the best possible education. Therefore, we cannot allow cell phones to interfere with this objective. Effective immediately, the school administration will confiscate any student found using a cell phone without permission. Refusal to surrender the cell phone to an administrator will result in disciplinary actions. Should this privilege be abused, we will notify you to help rectify the situation.

Your cooperation and support in enforcing our cell phone policy are crucial to maintaining a conducive learning environment for all students.

With Bulldog Pride,

Principal Salliewhite